Resolution #1:
- Open the command/shell prompt on the Spotfire Server machine.
- Run following command:
kinit HTTP/<fully qualified SPN>@<Your DNS DOMAIN_NAME in Capital>
Example: kinit HTTP/
When prompted, enter the correct password used to create the Keytab file.
If the "New ticket is stored in cache file" message is generated after running the above command then the keytab file generated earlier is incorrect. Create a new keytab file to resolve the issue.
Resolution #2:
- Open the command prompt on the Spotfire Server machine or on the Domain Controller machine.
- Execute the following command:
setspn -x
This command looks for duplicate SPNs registered in the domain. If duplicate SPNs are found for Spotfire Server, then delete them using the 'setspn -D' command or contact your Domain Administrator to remove the duplicate ones.
- Create a new Keytab file and test.
Resolution #3:
- Ask the domain controller Administrator to check for duplicate UPNs (userPrincipalName) in the Domain and remove them.
- Recreate the Keytab file and check.
Resolution #4:
Check if the service account used for registering the SPN is disabled/deleted or if its password has been changed or expired.
- If the account is deleted then recreate the account and follow all Kerberos setup steps to reconfigure.
- If the account is disabled ,enable it.
- If the password has been changed/reset, recreate the Keytab with a new password. (Note: In this case the above stack trace will have the error message, " Pre-authentication information was invalid (24)".