Finding what factory a client application is looking up.

Finding what factory a client application is looking up.


Article ID: KB0093354


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


Try either of the following:

1). Run the tool tibemsmonitor under <ems_home>/bin.

tibemsmonitor -monitor "Q.*.$sys.lookup" -user admin -server <host>:<port>

Sample output:


2014-10-24 10:22:15.647 [EMS-SERVER] $sys.monitor.Q.r.$sys.lookup
    conn_connid      = long:    12
    conn_hostname    = string:  'szou-z100'
    conn_type        = string:  'queue'
    conn_username    = string:  'anonymous'
    event_action     = string:  'receive'
    event_class      = string:  'message'
    event_reason     = string:  'producer'
    mode             = string:  'NON_PERSISTENT'
    msg_id           = string:  'ID:EMS-SERVER.4E2854498CDDD:3'
    msg_seq          = long:    23047397
    msg_timestamp    = long:    1414171335623
    replyTo          = string:  '$TMP$.EMS-SERVER.4E2854498CDDD.3'
    server           = string:  'EMS-SERVER'
    source_id        = long:    8
    source_name      = string:  'anonymous'
    source_object    = string:  'producer'
    target_dest_name = string:  '$sys.lookup'
    target_dest_type = string:  'queue'
    MapMessage={Header={ JMSDestination={QUEUE:'$sys.lookup'} JMSReplyTo={QUEUE:'$TMP$.EMS-SERVER.4E2854498CDDD.3'} JMSDeliveryMode={NON_PERSISTENT} JMSPriority={4} JMSMessageID={ID:EMS-SERVER.4E2854498CDDD:3} JMSTimestamp={Fri Oct 24 10:22:15 2014}} Properties={"code"={int:1}} Body={"type"={int:0} "name"={string:'QueueConnectionFactory'}}


This application is looking up "QueueConnectionFactory".

2). Run the following commands in tibemsadmin:

addprop queue $sys.lookup trace
set server log_trace=+MSG

The EMS server log should show factory name.


Finding what factory a client application is looking up.