How to troubleshoot issue of Tracing not enabled in GUI TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM) server.

How to troubleshoot issue of Tracing not enabled in GUI TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM) server.


Article ID: KB0093317


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TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor -
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When monitoring your application in  the BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM) server, sometimes there is need to enabling tracing for troubleshooting issues. Tracing for a particular activity can be enabled by clicking on the bulb icon in the icon bar for that activity in the process diagram tab of the BWPM GUI. If tracing is enabled, a yellow bulb is seen on that activity in the process diagram window. For enabling tracing in your TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks (BW) engine, that process should be up and running, otherwise it will throw the error "Update on Trace Settings failed! Received no answer from engine."

If the BW engine is up then you also get the error "Update on Trace Settings failed! Received no answer from engine" and you are unable to set tracing via the BWPM GUI. There are multiple causes for failure of enabling tracing.

1). TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM) server is unable to send message on command queue.
2). Temporary queues are disabled at the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS).
3). BW engine has encountered some error and it is unresponsive.



How to troubleshoot issue of Tracing not enabled in GUI TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM) server.


There are multiple causes for failure of enabling tracing.

1). TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM)  server is unable to send messages on the command queue.

 - Check that your Data Providers are up and running.
 - Check the server .loga file of the BWPM server for any error logged when trying to enable tracing.
 - Try enabling tracing on a different activity in same process or in a different process, try enabling tracing.
 - You can try using the option of advanced tracing from the trace settings option and see if it works for other domains/applications.
 - If the above does not helpee then try setting tracing via the njams_config.xml file.

2). Temporary queues are disabled at TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS).


 - Ensure that temporary queue creation is not disabled in EMS.  

 - Monitor the command destination by using GEMS when a trace point is set. The monitor should show three temporary messages: send, receive, and ack. For details, refer to the attached screenshot (Filename: CommandQueueMonitor.jpg).

3). BW engine has encountered an error and is unresponsive.

 - Check the BW logs for any error occurred as after error the behavior of BW  Engine is unpredictable.

 - Restart the BW application and try setting tracing using the BWPM server (GUI).
 - If the issue persists, get a thread dump of the BW engine with the issue to get details about the root cause.


How to troubleshoot issue of Tracing not enabled in GUI TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor(BWPM) server. get_app