Business Studio shows duplicate source control file names when copying in projects via a file system from a Source Code Control system.
Article ID: KB0093313
Updated On:
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition
Not Applicable
Description: When using a Source Control System, such as MKS, and there is no Eclipse plugin to check code in and out, when copying the files into a Business Studio workspace, a source control file (project.pj for example) is created. If multiple projects contain this file in a Special Folder (Service Desriptors for example), an error stating a duplicate file name exists will be generated.
Symptoms: Error panel shows Duplicate File Name error.
Cause: MKS (and possibly other Source Control systems) create a file to track the project. These files will also be brought into TIBCO ActiveMatrix Business Studio when they are copied in as regular files from the file system.
Business Studio shows duplicate source control file names when copying in projects via a file system from a Source Code Control system.
You can add an exemption on a per project basis for any file name. Right click on the project and select Properties. Expand the Resource option and select Resource Filters. Add a new filter and choose the Exclude All option. Enter the name to exclude (project.pj in this case). Be sure to also select Files and All children (recursive). Select OK to save the exclusion. Screen capture also attached (Filename: MKS.png) with these options highlighted.
Business Studio shows duplicate source control file names when copying in projects via a file system from a Source Code Control system.