How to find out if Force Update is enabled for a client package deployed on a Spotfire Server

How to find out if Force Update is enabled for a client package deployed on a Spotfire Server


Article ID: KB0071046


Updated On:

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Spotfire Server All


The Force Update option in the client package deployment save dialog box forces clients to download and install the newly deployed packages while connecting to a server. This document describes the instructions to find out if Force Update is enabled for a client package deployed on a deployment area on a Spotfire Server.


Instructions for how to find out if Force Update is enabled for a client package deployed on a Spotfire Server.


1). Run the following SQL query on the Spotfire Database to find the AREA ID of the deployment area on which the new packages were deployed.
WHERE DEP_AREA_NAME='<Replace me with actual Area Name>'
Replace <> with the Area Name on which new packages were deployed. e.g Production, Test, etc.
2). Go to the Spotfire Server machine and browse the following folder/directory.
<Server Installation folder>\tomcat\temp\deployments\<Replace me with AREA ID>\Contents\
Replace <> with actual AREA ID returned in above SQL query.

3). Open the manifest.xml file presented in this location and search for the following section (tag):
4). The value TRUE means the Force Update has been enabled in that deployment area and FALSE means its not enabled.