How do I enable the draft watermark in the web server of TIBCO Nimbus?

How do I enable the draft watermark in the web server of TIBCO Nimbus?


Article ID: KB0093213


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus -
Not Applicable -


In order to enable the drat watermark in the web server of Nimbus so that it shows on maps which are in draft, you should follow the below steps


How do I enable the draft watermark in the web server of TIBCO Nimbus?


The following instructions will enable this function on the Web Server:-
1.) Navigate to the Web Server config.ini file located in ...\\TIBCONimbus\Web Server\Config folder.
2.) Open the file and find 'ShowDraftBanner=0'. 
3.) To enable the Draft banner on the Web Server, change the 'ShowDraftBanner=0' to 'ShowDraftBanner=1'.
4.) Save and close the config.ini file.
5.) Restart the Web Server by going to the 'start' menu, 'All Programs', TIBCO Nimbus folder, 'Enterprise Server Admin' and select 'Restart Server'.