How to correctly download certificates for BW.

How to correctly download certificates for BW.


Article ID: KB0093387


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Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


BW uses more strict SSL mechanisms than other HTTP/SOAP clients. A good certificate chain must contain a root certificate, several intermediate certificates and a leaf certificate. They are all CA signed and trustful. As more and more users encountered SSL certificates problems, it is necessary to publish the information about how to correctly download the certificates. The best way for Tibco is using Portecle to download the certificates rather than using a browser. In the attachment (Filename: How_to_download_the_certificates_in_portecle.docx), are details regarding the correct way to download the certificates, which is useful to resolve SSL problems.


How to correctly download certificates for BW.

Additional Information

portecle How-to.


How to correctly download certificates for BW. get_app