Commentary text icon does not display correctly within TIBCO Nimbus web server

Commentary text icon does not display correctly within TIBCO Nimbus web server


Article ID: KB0093429


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus -
Not Applicable -


Within the TIBCO Nimbus Web server where there is commentary text attached to an activity it is possible that the icon may not show correctly.  This problem is due to the icon being generated by a font called Wingdings2. This is generally installed on a server where MS Office has been installed, or it may have been installed manually due to other requirements.  If this font is not installed on the server then the icon will not show correctly, and appear as a dash  " - " only.
Where an icon should be present on an activity box in the web server, only a dash "-" shows on the activity box.
The icon is generated by a font called Wingdings2 - if this is not installed on the server then the icon will not show correctly.


Commentary text icon does not display correctly within TIBCO Nimbus web server


This issue has been resolved within the TIBCO Nimbus V 9.5.2 release

Work around for on premise installations not on V 9.5.2:

1. Install the wingdings2 font directly on the server (or install a copy of MS office)
2. Stop the web server (double click on the file: \\Nimbus\Web Server\Reload\stop.js
3. Rename the "cache" folder to "CacheOld" at: \\Nimbus\Client 
4. Start the web server (double click on the file \\Nimbus\Web Server\Reload\start.js
5. Reboot the Server