Configuring TIBCO BusinessConnect under the Participant section, for one trading partner, fails to exchange key.

Configuring TIBCO BusinessConnect under the Participant section, for one trading partner, fails to exchange key.


Article ID: KB0092736


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


When configuring TIBCO BC for TP under the Participant section and clicking on "fetch from ssh server", the following error is thrown: "Error during retrieving peer's public key: Key exchange failed: server's signature didn't verify ". Keys have been exchanged between the host and the Trading partner and am able to establish a SFTP connection successfully. However, the error occurrs while fetching certificate.
Unable to fetch certificate. Error: "Error during retrieving peer's public key: Key exchange failed: server's signature didn't verify ".
This issue occurs if the trading partner's SSH server to which the customer is connecting is an older/outdated version. During the key exchange, the server seems to be sending 8-bit encoded data, which may decode correctly on most platforms. However, on Unix/Linux platforms which use a limited character set, like US-ASCII, they will not be able to retrieve the data successfully. In that case you may need to specify a full 8-bit set with -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 on your admin/runtime jre. 


Configuring TIBCO BusinessConnect under the Participant section, for one trading partner, fails to exchange key.


For this you need to set in the administrator.tra file and deploy the BC application.tra file.

Directory locations:

1). Administrator.tra under <tibco_home>\administrator\domain\<BusinessconnectDomain_name>\bin
2). Deployed BC app tra file <tibco_home>\tra\domain\BusinessconnectDomain\application\BusinessConnect

Note that you need to restart BC and admin after making these changes. In addition, if this suggestion does not work, the trading partner should consider upgrading their SSH server.