Using remote invocation to clear space entries from BusinessWorks plugin for ActiveSpaces.

Using remote invocation to clear space entries from BusinessWorks plugin for ActiveSpaces.


Article ID: KB0093609


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TIBCO ActiveSpaces -
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How to clear space by calling the ActiveSpaces API space.clear(filter) method in BusinessWorks for ActiveSpaces plugin. Currently there is no clear palette available but it can be implemented by using invokeActivity as a workaround.


Using remote invocation to clear space entries from BusinessWorks plugin for ActiveSpaces.


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Here is the sample to run the remote invocation to remove all space entries in BusinessWorks.

Steps to run remote member invocation:

1). You have to create a Java class which implements MemberInvocable and clears space from there.

2). Compile this Java class to jar file and put the jar file in the classpath (designer.tra in designer or application.tra in administrator).

3). Use the attached BW project. (Filenames: and spaceRemoteInvocation.jar). Run the PutDummy process first to input 100 entries and then run the process SpaceClear which will clear the space. You can put values in the filter and it will run space.clear(filter) method.



Space.clear(filter) exposed since ActiveSpaces2.1.5


Using remote invocation to clear space entries from BusinessWorks plugin for ActiveSpaces. get_app
Using remote invocation to clear space entries from BusinessWorks plugin for ActiveSpaces. get_app