Monitoring Management unavailable on the TIBCO Administrator GUI.

Monitoring Management unavailable on the TIBCO Administrator GUI.


Article ID: KB0093686


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Administrator -
Not Applicable -


Upgrade environment from Admin 5.7 to Admin 5.9. Post upgrade of the TIBCO Administrator GUI launches but the Monitoring Management is not available on the left hand side on the TIBCO Administrator GUI. Cannot access TIBCO Hawk Console and Monitoring Console due to this.


Monitoring Management unavailable on the TIBCO Administrator GUI.


This happens because of two versions of hawkconfig war files seen on the All Service instances->Administartor Instance->Admin Plugins. One version is getting loaded from TIBCO Hawk 4.9 version (with setup of TIBCO Administrator 5.7.x ) and another from TIBCO Hawk 5.1 version (with setup of TIBCO Administrator 5.9.0) You can safely remove the hawkconfig war file the hawk 4.9\lib\admin-plugins version.

Restart the Domain hawkagent and Domain Administrator services.

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