What does each RtcOps Code in RTC (Run To Completion) Operations report mean?

What does each RtcOps Code in RTC (Run To Completion) Operations report mean?


Article ID: KB0093562


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


Below is the complete list of RtcOps codes and their meanings.The codes are in hexadecimal format and you need to convert to a binary format to get the exact code.

RTC_ASSERTED      = 0x01;    //asserted in current RTC
RTC_MODIFIED      = 0x02;    //modified in current RTC
RTC_DELETED       = 0x04;    //deleted in current RTC
RTC_REVERSE_REF   = 0x08;    //reverse ref is modified in current RTC
RTC_CONTAINER_REF = 0x10;    //container ref is modified in current RTC
RTC_TOUCHED       = 0x20;    //the handle is being touched in current RTC
RTC_STATE_CHANGED = 0x40;    //state changes in current RTC
RTC_SCHEDULED     = 0x40;    //scheduled in current RTC


What does each RtcOps Code in RTC (Run To Completion) Operations report mean?