Why does the Operation ID "EDI/Inbound" contain "Multiple TPs" as a "Trading Partner" name instead of an actual TP name in the audit log for X12 protocol?

Why does the Operation ID "EDI/Inbound" contain "Multiple TPs" as a "Trading Partner" name instead of an actual TP name in the audit log for X12 protocol?


Article ID: KB0093134


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Powered by Instream -
Not Applicable -



This behavior occurs when multiple interchanges from multiple trading partners are received at once. This happens when using the Gateway Protocol within the EDI product. When an inbound EDI document comes in with multiple interchanges, the Operation ID "EDI/Inbound" will be logged the TP name as "Multiple TPs". For example, one inbound X12 request may contain two interchanges, one each for Company1 and Company2 and the audit log will show the TP Name as "Multiple TPs" for EDI/Inbound. The individual interchanges will be processed and the correct trading partner names will appear next to the transactions as they are processed.


Why does the Operation ID "EDI/Inbound" contain "Multiple TPs" as a "Trading Partner" name instead of an actual TP name in the audit log for X12 protocol?

Additional Information

BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Gateway User's Guide.