Steps to test recovery using Shared Nothing (SN) store from one environment in other environments.

Steps to test recovery using Shared Nothing (SN) store from one environment in other environments.


Article ID: KB0093152


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


If you want to use the Shared Nothing (SN) store from one environment in another environment (SN store from PROD in QA) and test recovery related issues, then follow the instructions below:

- The two key items to recover using SN store from a different environment are the hostname and engine name. They need to match the engine name and hostname from which the shared nothing files were taken.

- Copy the SN Store and set the hostname used by TIBCO Business Events (BE) and use the same engine name to start the CacheAgents. 

- You can set the hostname adding Cluster Deployment Descriptor (CDD) property at Processing Unit(PU) level.<hostname_used_in_SN Store>
- TIBCO Business Events still uses the engine name (parameter -n <name>) to build the Active Spaces (AS) membername. You have to use the same member name as in your PROD environment in your QA environment as well. 

To load the SN Store taken from production environment in a sample local project the following was set:
be-engine -c <cdd> -u <pu> -n PRODCacheServerName
membername: prodMachine1.PRODCacheServerName
NOTE: It is not possible to update the folder-/filenames for the persistence files. The binary persistence file includes a seeder_list and will not load the data from persistence file when the current member name is not in the list.


Steps to test recovery using Shared Nothing (SN) store from one environment in other environments.

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