Should the failed plan item be suspended for amendment to progress?

Should the failed plan item be suspended for amendment to progress?


Article ID: KB0092514


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management -
Not Applicable -



Option to reply with error during an amendment/Cancel action.

The typical use case is as follows:

1). Submit order and keep in EXECUTION.
2). Submit an amendment or cancellation request.
3). Suspend requests will be sent for the executing plan items.
4). From planItemSuspendStub in test harness, respond to Orchestrator with a failure PlanItemExecuteResponse message (complete=true, success=false, cancelled=false) instead of the PlanItemSuspendResponse.
5). Since the newly added flag is set, even if the plan item is failed, it will not be sent to error handler. Instead it will be marked as SUSPENDED so as to proceed with the amendment.


Should the failed plan item be suspended for amendment to progress?


Property in $AF_HOME/config/ConfigValues_OMS.xml:

<ConfValue description="Should the failed plan item be suspended for amendment to progress" name="ShouldFailedPlanItemSuspend"
propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.flag.shouldFailedPlanItemSuspend" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
        <ConfString default="false" value="true"/>

The following message will be logged in OMS.

Flag 'ShouldFailedPlanItemSuspend' is set; marking the FAILED planItemID [{}] in planID [{}] for orderID [{}] as SUSPENDED for amendment to progress.

If the flag is not set, the message below will be logged instead.

Flag 'ShouldFailedPlanItemSuspend' is not set; the FAILED planItemID [{}] in planID [{}] for orderID [{}] will be sent to error handler as usual.

Additional Information
