Include only the orderline for attribute based decomposition.

Include only the orderline for attribute based decomposition.


Article ID: KB0076554


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management -
Not Applicable -


<ConfValue description="Include only the orderline for attribute based decomposition" name="ABDProductOrderline" propname="" sinceVersion="2.0" visibility="Basic">
      <ConfBool default="false" value="false"/>

By default (false) all orderlines from the order will be considered to check against whom the Xpath should be executed. This means only data from orderlines which have products which are ancestors of the product for which decomposition takes place. See the attached example (Filename: Includeonlyproductorderline_false.pdf).

If includeonlyproductorderline=true, only the orderline from which the product is being decomposed is being considered. Other orderlines, even ancestors to the product, will not be considered in this case. See the attached example (Filename: Includeonlyproductorderline_true.pdf).


Include only the orderline for attribute based decomposition.

Additional Information

tib_af_user_guide.pdf (Attribute Based Decomposition)


Include only the orderline for attribute based decomposition. get_app
Include only the orderline for attribute based decomposition. get_app