Client timeout parameter usage available since ActiveSpaces (AS) 2.1.5 (memberDef.setClientTimeout).

Client timeout parameter usage available since ActiveSpaces (AS) 2.1.5 (memberDef.setClientTimeout).


Article ID: KB0093110


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for ActiveSpaces -
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This property is mainly used for remote clients. Remote clients are lightweight clients and their temporarily being unavailable (due to network or unplanned termination) does not impact cluster. The proxy node that remote client is connected to will wait until "client timeout" before cleaning up the remote member information. Since the impact of the remote client is minimal to the health of the cluster, this value is separated from member timeout. the default being 10 minutes. If a remote client disconnects from the main cluster due to a network issue, it is allowed to rejoin the cluster within 10 minutes, or a set value if overwritten). 

The client timeout parameter is a separate parameter for each connected remote client. Every remote client can specify their own client timeout. The manager node does not use this info, but the proxy node that the remote client is connected to will make use of it. Once a proxy looses a connection to its remote client, it will start this client timeout timer and cleanup information if the remote client does not showup within that time.

The client_timeout parameter cannot be set for as-agent or as-admin utility in current versions. It does not make sense to run as-agent as remote client. For as-admin, CR AS-4088 has been created to add parameter as a connect parameter.


Client timeout parameter usage available since ActiveSpaces (AS) 2.1.5 (memberDef.setClientTimeout).

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