How to configure Unshared State for both the server and client.

How to configure Unshared State for both the server and client.


Article ID: KB0092456


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TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


How to configure Unshared State for both the server and client.


How to configure Unshared State for both the server and client.


Configuration for EMS server:

Configure Unshared State failover EMS servers is just like configuring two standalone EMS servers. You do not need to set the same server name for two servers or configure the ft_active parameter.  Some important settings you need to keep in mind:

1). Destinations - both servers must support the same destinations.

2). Routes - messages must be able to arrive at the endpoints, using equivalent or identical routes across servers.

3). Access Control - access control must be setup identically in both servers so that the users.conf, groups.conf and acl.conf file settings match.

4). SSL - when SSL is deployed, both servers must use the same certificate(s).

Configurations for EMS clients:

1). Including the tibjmsufo JAR file -  Ensure that the CLASSPATH includes the JAR file: tibjmsufo.jar .

2). Create an Unshared  State Connection - use the com.tibco.tibems.ufo package and methods. For more information on the package and methods, you can refer to the corresponding API.

3). Specify server URLs on client side. For example: url=tcp://tangzhenxing_lt:7222+tcp://tangzhenxing_lt:7224

Additional Information

EMS document.