How to avoid, 'Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above (fixing JARs). Fixing JAR', when importing a TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 3.3.0 project byexecutingSOA Developer Studio (SDS) CLI task:importProject.

How to avoid, 'Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above (fixing JARs). Fixing JAR', when importing a TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 3.3.0 project byexecutingSOA Developer Studio (SDS) CLI task:importProject.


Article ID: KB0092719


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid -
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While running SDS task 'importProject' using amx_eclipse_ant.ex, the following message will be logged. 
[sds.importProject]   Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above (fixing JARs) Finding affected JARs under: C:\Users\nchacko\workspace330\com.sample.tahjs
[sds.importProject]   Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above (fixing JARs) Fixing JAR: C:\Users\nchacko\workspace330\com.sample.tahjs\libs\Sample.wsdl_interface_src.jar
[sds.importProject]   Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above (fixing JARs) Fixing JAR: C:\Users\nchacko\workspace330\com.sample.tahjs\libs\Sample.wsdl_src.jar

"Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above" does go through each listed jar file, try to find and fix the null entries that were in data-binding jars generated prior to TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 3.2.0. This may take long time if there are many jar files.


How to avoid, 'Upgrading JARs for JRE 1.7 and above (fixing JARs). Fixing JAR', when importing a TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 3.3.0 project byexecutingSOA Developer Studio (SDS) CLI task:importProject.


The importProject task, by default, always tries to fix all JARs inside a project. However, there is an optional flag, "fixJarsBeforeImport", indicating whether to fix the JARs. When set to "false", the script will skip fixing JARs in importProject task. The default is "true".

If the project and JAR files are generated using TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 3.3.0 workspace, then you can skip this default behavior by setting fixJarsBeforeImport=false for each sds.importProject .

Below is an example:

  <target name="importProject">
    <sds.importProject projectLoc="${abs_path_to_project_com.sample.tahjs}" fixJarsBeforeImport="false"/>
    <sds.importProject projectLoc="${abs_path_to_project_tahjs}" fixJarsBeforeImport="false"/>