Description: Offline polling publish fails when using multiple Tomcats read from the same offline folder.
Symptoms: - Exceptions in logs: org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: could not load an entity [com.tibco.aff.oms.server.jms.afi.OfflineCatalogWSPollPublisher] [readFilesinDirectory] cannot be read. Please check whether file is valid - Files in failure folder
Cause: This issue could occur if the files in the offline catalog directory are
being read by the loader processes in multiple Tomcats. The process
iterates the array of files present in the offline catalog directory. By
the time the process in one Tomcat tries to read a particular file
object in the array, the process in another Tomcat might have already read
and moved the file into the offline catalog success directory.
Offline catalog publish with multiple Tomcats.
The best practice is to read the offline catalog using a
single Tomcat instance. The catalog will be published to all Tomcats instances via topic.