Manually change the value of "providerCtxFactory" element in the dat file from the connection factory name (i.e., QueueConnectionFactory) to the initial context factory (com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory).
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Changing <string name="providerCtxFactory" value="QueueConnectionFactory"/> to <string name="providerCtxFactory" value="com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory"/>
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Note that the issue cannot be overcome during Design time on BusinessStudio because the Adapter Launcher would generate and use the new dat file each time when the adapter instance is started. The dat file can be found under <TIBCO_HOME>\afx\domains\<Domain_Name>\adapterspaces\<AppSpace_Name>\apps\<App_Name>\<Version>\config . The workaround mentioned above is not recommended for scenarios where large number of EAR files need to be updated. This is used for internal reference only.