TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor Server 3.0.2 Server Package improvements over 3.0.1 release.

TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor Server 3.0.2 Server Package improvements over 3.0.1 release.


Article ID: KB0092414


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TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor -
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TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor Server (BWPM) 3.0.2 Server has the following improvements.

Data Management has been improved:

This is a major part of Service Pack 2 which addresses problems related to deleting data. The following are brief notes of the changes.

·       Deletion of database tables are now executing in parallel. So far the tables have been deleted sequentially, execution in parallel is much faster.

·       The Delete Statements for Oracle database have been improved.

·       The default retention period is reduced to 7 days for new installations. The customers can of course raise the retention period, if required.

·       There are more tables included in the cleanup process now (NJAMS_T_DOMAIN_OBJECT_HISTORY, NJAMS_T_MONITOR_BO, NJAMS_T_MONITOR_BS, NJAMS_T_DP_STATISTICS, NJAMS_T_LAST_ACTIVITY_INFO). Maintaining these tables also provides a performance advantage while using the UI.

·       BWPM  3.0.2 Server has two separate cluster wide jobs NJAMS_JOB_CREATE_PARTITIONS and NJAMS_JOB_DELETE_DATA. 

         NJAMS_JOB_CREATE_PARTITIONS is responsible for creating adequate numbers of partitions. 

          NJAMS_JOB_DELETE_DATA will purge data and drop partitions, if required. 

Both jobs replace the previous job NJAMS_JOB_DATA_MANAGEMENT.

·       Previous BWPM Server Data Management only deletes 10000 entries from NJAMS_T_STATISTICS per execution for Oracle database

·       BWPM  3.0.2 Server  can cleanup NJAMS_T_TRACK_TEMPLATES  for non-partitioned Oracle database.

Bote: Starting with SP2 the stored procedure PROC_DATA_MANAGEMENT does not exist any longer. It is no longer possible to execute PROC_DATA_MANAGEMENT manually. The customer has to restart the new job NJAMS_JOB_DELETE_DATA within BWPM Server UI.


Support for TIBCO Rest/JSON Plugin:

·       BWPM  3.0.2 Server now supports drill down into TIBCO Rest/JSON Plugin activity and provide the according sub process(es). 

This feature is available with BWPM Server 3.0.2 in connection with BWPM Client 3.0.1. In previous version of BWPM the user was not able to drill down into the Rest/JSON activity.



TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor Server 3.0.2 Server Package improvements over 3.0.1 release.