Description: Latest upgrades of Chrome and Firefox have instituted a new security policy to drop support for DSA. Due to this, we can not access TEA with the latest browsers. This happens only when a TEA server is configured for SSL with weak cipher signature algorithm keypair (e.g DSA).
Symptoms: Can not access TEA over SSL using latest browsers, Chrome(43.0.2357.130) and Firefox(38.0.5)
Cause: Latest browsers are rejecting request for keypair using weak cipher signature algorithm. Example : If you have used Keytool to generate Keypair. then by default, it uses key Algorithm(-keyalg) as "DSA".
keytool.exe -genkeypair -keystore \tea\ssl\keystore.jks -storepass changeit -keypass 123456 -alias tea_ssl
By default
"DSA" (when using -genkeypair)