Microsoft SQL server connection memory may grow rapidly under load when using TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL).

Microsoft SQL server connection memory may grow rapidly under load when using TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL).


Article ID: KB0093913


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) -
Not Applicable -


When using Microsoft SQL Native Client 10.0 or Microsoft SQL Native Client 10.5 prior to SP1, connection memory grows in Microsoft SQL Server for iProcess engine processes. 


Microsoft SQL connection memory continues to grow. The connection memory growth can be checked by using,

SELECT object_name ,counter_name, cntr_value FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE counter_name = 'Connection Memory (KB)'

Overall the memory should remain stable. The memory usage of the processes can be checked by using,

select memusage as MemoryUsage, loginame as LoginName,* from master..sysprocesses order by memusage desc

By default, the processes memory growth should not increase rapidly and will generally be below 10 MBs.

This is a bug in the Microsoft SQL Native Client and details of the leak can be found in the following link.  Although the link specifically mentions Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.5, the leak was verified in 10.0 versions of SQL Native Client as well.


Microsoft SQL server connection memory may grow rapidly under load when using TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL).


Download and install a version of SQL Native Client 10.5 at version 10.5 SP1 or higher.  At the time of this writing, the latest version available was SQL Native Client 10.5 SP3 which can be downloaded at the following link.
Reference link:

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