Description: If any plain socket connection from ASMM, BW Client and JAVA API try to
connect secure cluster may cause ActiveSpaces cluster to go hang or pause for 3- 5
sec. This issue cause operation timeout / protocol timeout on client
side. In this case we may not notice any cluster members disconnect from the
cluster, but any plain socket continuously try to connect may cause
cluster to hang or pause for shorter time span.
How to avoid (Recommendations) :
- Make sure to use security token file while connecting to secure cluster
- if user want use ASMM-UI, share only ASMM-Console not ASMM-Admin UI.
- Change default ASMM ports.
- Apply IP table rules to avoid unnecessary connections to secure cluster.
- Enable firewalls on the ActiveSpaces hosts for the ActiveSpaces ports to only accept
connections from the other known ActiveSpaces hosts (for both servers and clients)