Migrating from BusinessConnect 6.2.0 with any hotfix installed to BusinessConnect 6.2.1 .

Migrating from BusinessConnect 6.2.0 with any hotfix installed to BusinessConnect 6.2.1 .


Article ID: KB0094063


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


If you are migrating from BC 6.2.0 with any hotfixes applied to BC 6.2.1, you may encounter BC and GS start up issues. This is due to the BC 6.2.1 Installer not removing the previous version (6.2.0) hotfix JAR files from bc/6.2/hotfix/lib .

If you are using BC 6.2.0 with any hotfixes applied and migrate to BC 6.2.1, then you may encounter BC and GS start up issues. Note: This should not impact any of the protocol hotfix JAR files.

The following error may be seen in the BC log.
2015 Sep 01 14:25:xx:xxx GMT -5 BW.BusinessConnect-Interior_Server Debug [bw.logger] BW-EXT-LOG-300002 Job-23-1.24 com.tibco.ax.fw.runtime.impl.ServiceException: Internal Server Error com.tibco.ax.fw.util.cfgix.ConfigIX.setExportUsers(Z)V

The following error may be seen in the GS logs.
[2015-09-01 14:25:xx:xxx(ERROR)]GatewayServer java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.tibco.ax.gs.runtime.impl.GSBootstrapUtil.getCsxFromDmzMshResponse(GSBootstrapUtil.java:437)

[2015-09-01 14:25:xx:xxx(WARN )]GatewayServer Start HTTP Engine failed.
com.tibco.ax.gs.runtime.GatewayRuntimeException: Failed to start HTTP gateway engine.
[2015-09-01 14:25:xx:xxx(ERROR)]GatewayServer com.tibco.ax.gs.runtime.GatewayRuntimeException: Regular bootstrap of FILE gateway engine failed.
        at com.tibco.ax.gs.runtime.impl.AbstractGatewayEngine.initConfigStore(AbstractGatewayEngine.java:182)

BC 6.2.0 hotfix JAR files are not being deleted from the $TIBCO_HOME/bc/6.2/hotfix/lib directory by the BC 6.2.1 installer.


Migrating from BusinessConnect 6.2.0 with any hotfix installed to BusinessConnect 6.2.1 .


Move out all BC related JAR files from the $TIBCO_HOME/bc/6.2/hotfix/lib directory to another temp directory, outside of TIBCO home. This only pertains to the main BC product directly. Hotfix JAR files for BC protocols and plugins, which are located in the $TIBCO_HOME/bc/6.2/protocols/<portocol or plugin name>/hotfix/lib directory, are not affected and should remain untouched.