Socket write error is logged in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor server logs.

Socket write error is logged in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor server logs.


Article ID: KB0094055


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor -
Not Applicable -



The following error is seen in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor (BWPM) server.logs:

com.faizsiegeln.njams.util.JSONUtilities: ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error.

The following error is seen in the server logs while navigating into different views/tabs before content is loaded in the respective tabs of TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor Server GUI:

2015-08-20 14:28:03,513 ERROR [http-8141-4] com.faizsiegeln.njams.util.JSONUtilities: ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
This error is usually a consequence of some action on the end user side (i.e. in the web browser where you are accessing TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor GUI). For example, if the user clicks on a domain object in technical view and suddenly moves from admin view of the navigation to a process diagram tab, or selects other domain object in technical view, this error can occur.


Socket write error is logged in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor server logs.


This issue occurs if the TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor (BWPM) server is trying to fetch data from a Tomcat server/database and before a request is completed, the user navigates to another view/domain object in the BWPM GUI. Due to this, the previous request gets closed/aborted and the error occurs. However, if a previous request completes before you navigate to another view/domain object in BWPM GUI, the reported issue will not be logged. This error can be ignored as this is a warning about a request cancelled or connection reset by a peer occurring while the request was in process at the BWPM server.