Can TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM be configured to use two Teneo resources to save case data on a different schema or a different database?

Can TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM be configured to use two Teneo resources to save case data on a different schema or a different database?


Article ID: KB0094027


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BPM Enterprise (formerly TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM) -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM (AMX BPM) allows only two options for Case Data Table Generation. 

1). Case Data Tables can be generated in the same database/schema where rest of the AMX BPM Tables are located.

2). Case Data Tables can be generated in any other location (database/schema) of user's choice.

TIBCO does not support the option of Case Data Table location to be determined on a per-deployment basis. Therefore, use of multiple Teneo resources are not supported.


Can TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM be configured to use two Teneo resources to save case data on a different schema or a different database?

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