Resolution: VB6 was based upon COM. VB .NET (VB7) is based upon .NET technologies We do not ship DLLs based on VB6 COM objects. However, you can call the EMS .NET API in VB7 applications.
When using Microsoft Visual Studio, try the following steps:
1). Add new project from the Windows. Select Visual Basic under "Other Languages".
2). Click Project > Add Reference. Click the Browse tab, go to <tibco EMS root>\bin and add TIBCO.EMS.dll and "policy.1.0.TIBCO.EMS.dll".
3). In the VB code, add "Imports TIBCO.EMS".
The following is a simple sender code.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim connectionFactory As New ConnectionFactory()
Dim connection As Connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection()
Dim session As Session = connection.CreateSession(False, session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
Dim queue As Queue = session.CreateQueue("queue.sample")
Dim producer As MessageProducer = session.CreateProducer(queue)
Dim msg As TextMessage = session.CreateTextMessage("test message")
Console.WriteLine("VB call EMS .net test sender")
End Sub
End Module