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Bookmarks are permanently stored in the TIBCO Spotfire application database in the LIB_ITEMS table, which includes the unique bookmark ID and a CONTENT_SIZE column. The LIB_DATA tables contain the actual data for each bookmark (where LIB_ITEMS.ITEM_ID = LIB_DATA.ITEM_ID). The LIB_PROPERTIES table contains properties about the bookmarks (where LIB_ITEMS.ITEM_ID = LIB_PROPERTIES.ITEM_ID) like PROPERTY_NAME "Visibility" which will be either "Public" or "Private".
You can find them with the following queries:
select * from LIB_ITEMS where ITEM_TYPE='debd56cd-50bb-47b0-a458-84a2fccf3ca0'- To list the actual hashed (and inaccessible) data for all bookmarks from LIB_DATA, as referenced in LIB_ITEMS:
select * from LIB_DATA where ITEM_ID in (select ITEM_ID from LIB_ITEMS where ITEM_TYPE='debd56cd-50bb-47b0-a458-84a2fccf3ca0')
select * from LIB_PROPERTIES where ITEM_ID in (select ITEM_ID from LIB_ITEMS where ITEM_TYPE='debd56cd-50bb-47b0-a458-84a2fccf3ca0')