1). Generate keystore.
cd $JAVA_HOME/bin
keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -dname "cn=TestSupportApacheLD, ou=ApacheDS, o=ASF, c=US" -alias TestSupportApacheLD -keystore TestSupportApacheLD.ks -storepass secret -validity 730
2). Configure LDAP SSL server (set keystore file created in step 1 above).
3). Create certificate (password: secret -> storepass parameter of the previous command).
keytool -export -keystore TestSupportApacheLD.ks -alias TestSupportApacheLD -file TestSupportApacheLD.cer
4). Import the certificate.
keytool -import -file TestSupportApacheLD.cer -alias TestSupportApacheLD -keystore trusted.ks -storepass secret
5). Create a P7b file (double click on TestSupportApacheLD.cer -> TAB Details -> Copy to file... -> * (.P7B) .
Note: It's required to click on the checkbox "Include all certificates in the certification path if possible" when exporting the *.p7b file.
6). Update the policy file with the exported p7b file for the authentication property.
Note: For a more detailed description about the required steps using ApacheDS see the following link.