Description: In the nvOS.log on an EMSA appliance, there are many "MOVING MAC" messages:
Sep12.21:53:40.nvOSd_bcast.c:523: nvOS_l2_entry_check_and_add: MOVING MAC = 0x0:23:e9:36:a2:44, IP = from port 41 => 30
Sep12.21:53:40.nvOSd_bcast.c:523: nvOS_l2_entry_check_and_add: MOVING MAC = 0x0:1:d7:c2:bd:c4, IP = from port 30 => 41
Symptoms: The MOVING MAC issue will cause interruptions in the connectivity roughly every 30 seconds. Sometimes these “pauses” will be long enough to drop a connection. On occasion it just appears as intermittent delays in packet arrival.
Cause: N/A