Heap size exceptions while uploading EARs/Deploying Applications/Browsing Archives.

Heap size exceptions while uploading EARs/Deploying Applications/Browsing Archives.


Article ID: KB0094150


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -





We are frequently observing heap size exceptions in the logs/on TEA UI while uploading EARs/ Deploying Applications/Browsing Archives. Which TRA file do we need to use to increase Java Heap Size (java.extended.properties=-Xmx1024m -Xms256m) ? If the setting is populated at bwagent, will it be overridden at appspace and subsequently by the appnode level?



While uploading ears, deploying and browsing, you want to increase the heap size in bwagent as well as AppSpace tra files. The property specified in the AppSpace TRA file applies to all AppNodes associated with the AppSpace. However, the property specified in the AppNode TRA file only applies to a specific AppNode and furthermore, it overwrites that property specified in the AppSpace TRA file. The property specified in the bwagent TRA does not overwrite AppNode or AppSpace.


Heap size exceptions while uploading EARs/Deploying Applications/Browsing Archives.