How to SendMailif SMTP mail server does not haveusername/password authentication?
Article ID: KB0093042
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks
Not Applicable
BW does not need to provide username/password in the SendMail activity if the SMTP mail server does not have username/password authentication. It can be authenticated based on the IP address. In the command line, use the telnet command to see if the username and password is required when sending an email via SMTP server. If this succeeds, even without providing a username and password, we can say that the SMTP server authentication is based on IP. This means if the IP of the request is in the allow list, the username and password is not required.
How to SendMailif SMTP mail server does not haveusername/password authentication?
Additional Information
Refer to SMTP mail server documentation for more information about IP based authentication.