Resolution: While installing RV 8.4.4 on Redhat Linux 7.1 64-bit, the Installer exits with the error, "Bundled JRE is not binary compatible with host OS/Arch or it is corrupt. Please make sure the tmp directory allows execute access. If running TIBCOUniversalInstaller-lnx-x86.bin on a 64bit system, you may need to install your distributions 32 bit support libraries. Please read README.LINUX for more information."
Other customers encountered this issue/error got their problem resolved by:
- Change /tmp permission to 777. Make sure the install user can write and execute to the /tmp directory.
- Do -is:tempdir <pathToTempDir> and use a different directory rather than system /tmp directory to launch the Installer. You can use the "-is:tempdir" option to specify the temp folder explicitly.
- Install Oracle Java 1.7 64-bit and then launch the Installer using the following command:
./TIBCOUniversalInstaller-lnx-x86.bin -console -is:tempdir /apps/tmp -is:javahome /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0 -is:log launch.txt
If the problem persists after trying the above, provide TIBCO Support with the following information.
1). The exact command you used to launch the Installer and the result/error.
2). "java -version" output.
3). "which java" output.
4). "rpm -q glibc" output.
5). launch.txt
6). Installation log (located under User_Home/.TIBCO directory).
7). df -kh /apps/tmp
8). df -kh /apps/tmp/tmpfolder
9). ls -al /apps/tmp/tmpfolder