How to install and uninstall the Gateway Server/GS Engine as a Windows Service.

How to install and uninstall the Gateway Server/GS Engine as a Windows Service.


Article ID: KB0093855


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


Need to start the Gateway server from Windows Services. How to install the GS Engine as a Windows Service?


How to install and uninstall the Gateway Server/GS Engine as a Windows Service.


1). In the gsengine.tra file (%BC_HOME%/bin/), you should find the entries below. If not, add these entries at the end of the file:


ntservice.displayname=TIBCO Gateway Server (gs)


2). To install the GS Engine Component as an Windows Service, do the following:

BC_HOME/bin/gsengine.exe --install --propFile gsengine_tra_file

where gsengine_tra_file is the full path of the file gsengine.tra

Example: C:\tibco\bc\6.2\bin>gsengine.exe --install --propFile gsengine.tra

3). To uninstall the Windows Service, do the following:

BC_HOME/bin/gsengine.exe --uninstall --propFile gsengine_tra_file

where gsengine_tra_file is the full path of the file gsengine.tra

Example: C:\tibco\bc\6.2\bin>gsengine.exe --uninstall --propFile gsengine.tra

NOTE:  If you need to change the parameters after you have installed the GS Engine as a Windows Service, modify the .tra file accordingly and then uninstall the service as described in Step 3. Install it again as described in Step 2.  Performing step 2 on a GS Engine which is already installed will not update the service.