Is it possible to identify which client is performing operations on a database from the client identifier, which can be set via Oracle extensions?

Is it possible to identify which client is performing operations on a database from the client identifier, which can be set via Oracle extensions?


Article ID: KB0092966


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


Passing a client identifier, which can be set via the Oracle extensions (, is not currently supported in BW. 

Other options:

There is a Hawk method named ListDbConnections. This has been given as one of the TIBCO Hawk Microagent Methods in the BW documentation ( .





Returns a list of all open and idle JDBC connections that have been opened by a single instance of ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks engine. This is the only function which you can get the opened connection in one BW engine. The output of that method looks like the following:

        Connection-State         Connection-Name                User-Name       Connection-Owner                      Idle-Time

            Active                   /JDBC Connection.sharedjdbc     tibco          JDBC Call Procedure for 1000Job-1000    0




Is it possible to identify which client is performing operations on a database from the client identifier, which can be set via Oracle extensions?