JDBC activity failing in run/debug mode in Studio with shared resource creation error though the Test Connection works fine.

JDBC activity failing in run/debug mode in Studio with shared resource creation error though the Test Connection works fine.


Article ID: KB0094005


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Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


JDBC activity failing in run/debug mode in Studio with sharedresource creation error though the  Test Connection works fine.

The console will log an error resembling the following.

The database driver [...)] is not found.  Ensure that DataSourceFactory bundle providing this driver is available in the environment.
10:59:31.626 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-600026: Failed to start BW Application [...]. Reason: TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600063: Failed to start BW Process [...] of BW Module [...].
   <CausedBy> java.lang.RuntimeException: TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600064: Failed to create Shared Resource [...]. For the cause look for log message with prefix "TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK" in this log file.


Driver bundle not picked under the run/debug configuration.


JDBC activity failing in run/debug mode in Studio with shared resource creation error though the Test Connection works fine.


If you want to use a databases other than PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server, you must add them for run time separately. This is a one time process for every installation of TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks. The steps are shown below for Oracle driver. The same applies for DB2. Navigate to the following locations in your BW 6.x environment.



Copy the Oracle DB driver JAR file in the above directories (ojdbc6.jar or ojdbc14.jar). Open a command prompt and go to <TIBCO_HOME>\bw6\bw\6.x\bin and run the command below.

bwinstall oracle-driver

This script will create a driver bundle and adds it to the specific Businessworks environment. Any AppNodes that are created and started in the Businessworks environment include the drivers automatically. Confirm that the driver bundle is available and checked under Run -> Debug Configurations -> <<BWApplication>> in Studio. A screenshot (Filename: deruncon.png) is attached for clarity.



JDBC activity failing in run/debug mode in Studio with shared resource creation error though the Test Connection works fine. get_app