Spotfire cannot use a shape file with a .prj file for the projection.
Article ID: KB0076541
Updated On:
Spotfire Analyst
7.13 and lower
Description: If you have a .shp file where the projection definition is stored only in a .prj file, Spotfire 7.13 and lower cannot use it to draw the map in the defined projection system. Symptoms: After loading the .shp file and changing the reference coordinate system in the map chart layer to match the .prj projection definition, an error similar to the following is reported. _____________________________________ Reference System Mismatch (Map Layer) 'Map Layer' can only be shown in the coordinate reference system 'EPSG:3857' Change coordinate reference system _____________________________________
Where the 'Map Layer' and 'EPSG:3857' depends on your analysis.
Cause: Spotfire 7.13 and lower does not read .prj files and needs to have the projection definition stored in the .shp file itself.
Spotfire cannot use a shape file with a .prj file for the projection.
Update Spotfire to 7.14 or higher or use a GIS tool to merge the .prj information into the .shp file. See the Reference section below for examples on how this can be done.