Products | Versions |
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks | - |
Not Applicable | - |
There is no one to one mapping between Hawk microagent functionality between versions 5.x and 6.x. There are some new methods introduced, few have a different name in BW 6.x but do the same function as in BW 5.x . Some methods from 5.x are no longer supported in BW 6.x. See the following for details on each.
Hawk Methods introduced in BW 6.x
Hawk Methods with different name from BW 5.x but having same function in BW 6.x
ResetBWProcessStatistics (BW 5.x equivalent -> ResetProcessDefinitionStats)
ResetBWActivityStatistics (BW 5.x equivalent -> ResetActivityStats)
GetBWProcessStatistics (BW 5.x equivalent -> GetProcessDefinitions)
Same as BW5 except following statistics:
GetBWActivityStatistics (BW 5.x equivalent -> GetActivities)
Same as BW5 except following statistics:
GetBWProcessInstanceCount(BW 5.x equivalent -> GetProcessCount)
GetBWProcessInstanceInfo (BW 5.x equivalent -> GetProcesses)
Same as BW5 except following statistics:
Hawk methods from BW 5.x not supported in BW 6.x
ConfigureActivityTracing : => No more applicable. Users are expected to use logback configuration.
ConfigureAllTracing : => No more applicable. Users are expected to use logback configuration.
ConfigureProcessStarterTracing : => No more applicable. Users are expected to use logback configuration.
ConfigureRole : => This can be exposed as HAWK API to change log level of given logger.
ConfigureUserDefinedTracing : => This can be exposed as HAWK API to add new logger dynamically.
DelayedStopApplicationInstance : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
GetExecInfo : => Engine is no longer a JVM. Information is split between 'GetAppNodeProcessInfo' and 'GetBWEngineInfo' BW6 HAWK methods.
getHostInformation : => Can be retrieved through 'ListApplications' BW6 HAWK method. The only thing not available today is HAWK DISPLAY NAME.
GetMemoryUsage : => Engine is no longer a JVM. This information is covered in 'GetAppNodeProcessInfo'.
GetProcessesExceptions : => Not available yet.
GetProcessStarters : => Not available yet.
GetRecoverableProcesses : => Feature not ready yet.
getRvCmConfig : => RV related. We may no longer support this.
GetStaticActivityInfo : => Need discussion.
GetStatsCollectorDestination : => Since we integrated execution statistics collection with a logback, we no longer need this.
GetStatus : => Some of information is covered in 'GetBWEngineInfo' BW6 HAWK method.
GetTransactionStatistics : => Not available yet.
IsActivityTracingEnabled : => No more applicable. The Logback file has this detail.
IsAllTracingEnabled : => No more applicable.
IsProcessStarterTracingEnabled : => No more applicable.
IsRoleEnabled : => No more applicable.
KillAllProcesses : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
KillProcess : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
ListAllRoles : => This can be equivalent to list all loggers. This can be added.
ListDbConnections : => Not available yet.
ListInflightTransactions : => Not available yet.
ListInstrumentProperties : => Use equivalent BW6 API 'ListProcessEnabledForStats'
ListTraceProperties : => Not applicable in BW6.
ListUserDefinedRoles : => Not applicable in BW6.
OnProcessActivity : => We may not support this. Need discussion.
OnProcessAdded : => We may not support this. Need discussion.
OnProcessRemoved : => We may not support this. Need discussion.
OnProcessStatusChanged : => We may not support this. Need discussion.
PreRegisterListener : => RV related.
RemoveRecoverableProcess : => Feature not ready yet.
RestartRecoverableProcess : => Feature not ready yet.
ResumeAll : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
ResumeProcess : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
ResumeProcessStarter : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
reviewLedger : => RV related.
SetInstrumentProperty : => Use equivalent BW6 method 'EnableProcessStatsCollection' and 'DisableProcessStatsCollection'
SetTraceProperty : => Not applicable in BW6. Use logback instead.
StartStatsCollection : => This can be done.
stopApplicationInstance : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
StopStatsCollection : => This can be done.
SuspendAll : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
SuspendProcess : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
SuspendProcessStarter : => We dont support lifecycle management through HAWK. Users should use Admin.
unRegisterListener : => RV related.