Multiple manager instances running on the same machine. How to keep open multiple sessions simultaneously.

Multiple manager instances running on the same machine. How to keep open multiple sessions simultaneously.


Article ID: KB0092928


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Products Versions
TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -
Not Applicable -


Whenever multiple manager instances are running on the same machine on different ports, users connected to these instances from a browser would face the following problem:
A login to one instance implies an automatic logout from a second one and vice versa. This happens as the default Tomcat's session cookie named JSESSIONID is being overridden each time a new login takes place so other existing opened sessions are invalidated.


Multiple manager instances running on the same machine. How to keep open multiple sessions simultaneously.


In order to allow for multiple sessions to be kept open simultaneously we are going to set distinct session cookie names; one for each manager deployed.

1. Open file ${DS_MANAGER}/conf/context.xml and add/set the attributeĀ sessionCookieName to a unique name chosen by the user. This is an example of how your file context.xml would look like:

<Context sessionCookieName="AUniqueName">



2. If this is an existing installation the first step needs to be done forĀ ${DS_DATA}/conf/context.xml as well.
3. Restart the server after these changes.

Additional Information

Section "Session cookie configuration"