TIBCO ActiveMatrix (AMX) Administrator over a Reverse Proxy.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix (AMX) Administrator over a Reverse Proxy.


Article ID: KB0092930


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid -
TIBCO BPM Enterprise (formerly TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM) -
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Service Engine -


After configuring AMX Administrator to use a reverse proxy, a number of URLs will not function. Tunneling directly to the Admin server machine works fine.

Access to the basic /amxadministrator context of the AMX Admin server will work but other functionality such as creating a binding on the service or access BW  properties of a BWSE component do not.

The proxy configuration controls which URLs are allowed. There are more than just /amxadministrator context for full functionality. A few known contexts are /soap.bt, /jms.admin, /uddi_amxintg, /bwseadmin, etc.


TIBCO ActiveMatrix (AMX) Administrator over a Reverse Proxy.


AMX Administrator is a combination of Jetty Web applications. Besides the Admin GUI itself (/amxadministrator), other plugins may also have its Web applications deployed. E.g. implementation types, binding types, UDDI plugin, etc.

When SystemNode is running, visit <CONFIG_HOME>/tibcohost/Admin-amxadmin-instanceOne/data_3.2.x/nodes/SystemNode/work and you will be able to see a hand of jetty-xxxxxxx-<version>-xxxx and jetty-xxxxxxx.httpbasic-<version>-xxxx folders. Each pair (standard and httpbasic) represents a plugin installed to Administrator. You may search webAppContextRoot in those folders to find out their respective contexts.

We only expect new context roots to be added when an add-on product (implementation type, binding type, etc.) with Administrator plugin is added / configured. The user need to locate all the context roots used by the Administrator, such as
/soap.bt, /jms.admin, /uddi_amxintg, /bwseadmin, and configure them properly for Reverse Proxy.

Note that a Reverse Proxy may be used by advanced users at their own discretion after consulting network experts but it is not officially tested or certified by TIBCO QA team. TIBCO Support may also request a customer to reproduce the issue after disabling Reverse Proxy if it is reported in a Reverse Prxoy enabled environment.