How to help convert WSDL location URL to the IP and port of F5 Load Balancer if the web services are deployed behind F5 ?

How to help convert WSDL location URL to the IP and port of F5 Load Balancer if the web services are deployed behind F5 ?


Article ID: KB0093701


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
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Customer uses BW buildin serviceagent to get the WSDL files of webservices behind F5 load balancer. The WSDL files are used in SOAPUI directly to generate a sample request. But the location URL is "localhost:port" like the GV set when deploying the application.


How to help convert WSDL location URL to the IP and port of F5 Load Balancer if the web services are deployed behind F5 ?


Build a proxy process to change the WSDL, using "substring-before" and "substring-after" functions are enough. The attached process (Filename:GetWSDL_ChangeWSDL.process) would get the WSDL and replace the "Location" URL since there would be only one "Location" URL. A better proxy could be built to support more WSDLs.

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How to help convert WSDL location URL to the IP and port of F5 Load Balancer if the web services are deployed behind F5 ? get_app