Duplicate model name problem marker in BPM Business Studio.
Article ID: KB0092791
Updated On:
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition
Not Applicable
Description: Studio problem marker : "BDS : Duplicate model name .." when the same WSDL is imported into two different projects in same workspace.
Symptoms: The same WSDL is imported into two different BPM projects. It will generate the same Business Object Model (BOM) for each of the projects. If these two projects are open in the same workspace at the same time, then a problem marker as : "Duplicate model name.." or "Duplicate namespace error.." is seen.
Cause: BOM define classes that define the types used for data objects in business processes. The types available are from the BOM in all projects open in the workspace. Types are differentiated by name and by the namespace defined for the BOM. From a BOM perspective a type must be unique given a type name and BOM. Also from a BOM perspective it’s namespace must be unique, otherwise they are the same BOM. It’s difficult to contemplate any other way of working as far as BOMs are concerned.
When importing a WSDL or XSD the Studio converts the relevant XML types into BOM types. These types are in generated BOMs. With the first project with imported WSDL, workspace has a BOM for each namespace involved and a class for each type. When the same WSDL or XSD is imported in second project that uses a namespace for a BOM that has already been created, Studio tries to add the required classes to the existing BOM representing the namespace for the new types. This results into the problem marker "Duplicate model name.." or "Duplicate namespace error.."
Duplicate model name problem marker in BPM Business Studio.
There is an existing enhancement : XPD-4007 to change this behavior. The workaround is to either close one of the projects and keep the other open or to import them all into one project and have all of the other projects refer to them there.