Since FTL 4.2, the API calls that facilitated request/reply interactions between TIBCO FTL and TIBCO eFTL are obsolete. Attached are sample programs (Filename: tib_request_reply_sample.tar) to demonstrate the request and reply between FTL java clients and eFTLjava clients. To run the samples, the enclosed configuration file must be uploaded to the Realm Server. Start a Realm Server if one is not already running and issue the following command to upload the configuration file:
$ tibrealmserver.bat --data ?Realm Server data directory> --http ?host>:<port?
$ tibrealmadmin --realmserver <Realm Server URL> \
--updaterealm tibrealmserver_request_reply.json
Start an eFTL server:
$ tibeftlserver --realmserver <Realm Server URL> \
--listen ws://*:9191
Once the enclosed Java programs are compiled, the following scenarios can be run.
1). Request-reply between eFTL clients.
$ java TibeFtlReply ws://[hostname]:9191/channel
$ java TibeFtlRequest ws://[hostname]:9191/channel
2). eFTL clients sending request messages to FTL clients.
$ java TibFtlReply [Realm Server URL]
$ java TibeFtlRequest ws://[hostname]:9191/channel
3). FTL clients sending request messages to eFTL clients.
$ java TibeFtlReply ws://[hostname]:9191/channel
$ java TibFtlRequest [Realm Server URL]
Refer to the readme.txt file for details.