Why does EMS fail to start and throws the exception, "com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: null"?

Why does EMS fail to start and throws the exception, "com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: null"?


Article ID: KB0084444


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


The exception happens when Oracle ojdbc6.jar is configured in dbstore_classpath in tibemsd.conf and is not compatible with the OCI .dll file. When the OCI driver is used, configure ojdbc6.jar included in the same instant client package provided by Oracle in dbstore_classpath in tibemsd.conf . For example, here are the two of the files included in instantclient-basic-windows.x64-

09/12/2013  08:22 PM           138,240 ocijdbc11.dll
09/12/2013  09:50 AM         2,739,596 ojdbc6.jar


Why does EMS fail to start and throws the exception, "com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: null"?

Additional Information

com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException OCI Oracle ojdbc6.jar