How can I get the latest version of JRE 1.7.0 for use with BusinessConnect?

How can I get the latest version of JRE 1.7.0 for use with BusinessConnect?


Article ID: KB0084781


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TIBCO BusinessConnect -
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How can I make sure that JRE 1.7 has all the required security updates?


How can I get the latest version of JRE 1.7.0 for use with BusinessConnect?


Be sure to use the latest hotfix associated with the JRE included in TRA 5.9.X .  

TRA 5.9.0 Hotfix 7 includes JRE 1.7.0 u85.   TRA 5.9.1 hotfix 2 contains JRE 1.7.0 u91.

These versions are not provided in TRA 5.8.  You must upgrade to 5.9.X to get these versions.

Additional Information

TRA 5.9.0 Release Notes and hotfix Readme files.