Failing to follow app naming convention can cause duplicate Applications in AppDev.

Failing to follow app naming convention can cause duplicate Applications in AppDev.


Article ID: KB0085164


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Products Versions
TIBCO BPM Enterprise (formerly TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM) -
Not Applicable -


Repeated uploading of an app zip with a non-conforming name results in duplicate entries in the Applications List. Removal of the duplicated apps is possible but not straightforward.

Duplicate Apps in the Application List.
Selecting an app also selects the duplicates.
Deleting the selected duplicates removes one entry, but leaves the other(s) unusable.
Attempting to delete the remaining app(s) gives a failure message: "Delete Application Failed!"

- Uploading an application with non-alphanumeric characters in the name results in all such characters being replaced with underscores (_) in the runtime. Note that this explanation assumes the app is packaged as "".

- Uploading the same app zip  results in duplicate apps in the UI. This is because the "does app already exist" check is comparing new "Badly-Named-Web-App" with existing "Badly_Named_Web_App". The new app is renamed automatically post-upload, leading to an additional app having the same name.


Failing to follow app naming convention can cause duplicate Applications in AppDev.


It is recommended to delete all such apps, then rename them according to the convention before uploading again. To delete the duplicates requires a non-obvious additional step:

- Upload the "" again.

- Select the app(s) and Open.

- Select the and Open it. You may need to click the "More Options" icon to reveal the Open button.

- Edit the "indexPage" value. It will be in the form "Badly-Named-Web-App/index.html"; change all '-' characters to '_', i.e.


  "indexPage": "Badly_Named_Web_App/index.html",

  "library": false


- Save and return to the Applications List. This should collapse all duplicates into a single "Badly Named Web App" in the Application List, which can and should be selected and deletedConsider renaming your original before uploading again. Use only alphanumeric (and underscore) characters.

Additional Information

Naming convention is mentioned in the documentation under heading "File and Folder naming" here: