Resolution: While the README says it is compatible with TRA/Admin 5.7.0 or above, it means Hawk 5.2 display/webconsole can monitor the microagent of TRA. But as stand-alone version, Hawk 5.2 cannot be referenced by any earlier versions of TRA. The domain hawkagent is only compatible with TRA 5.10.
1). The "reference" here means in hawkagent_<domain_name>.tra, specify tibco.env.HAWK_HOME to hawk 5.2. tbco.env.HAWK_HOME=C\:/tibco/hawk/5.2
2). This statement applies to Hawk 5.1.x as well. In the other words, the domain hawkagent is only compatible with its corresponding TRA version.
TRA/Admin 5.10 <-> Hawk 5.2
TRA/Admin 5.9.1 <-> Hawk 5.1.1
TRA/Admin 5.9.0 <-> Hawk 5.1.0