In TIBCO Business Studio -> Windows -> Preferences -> TIBCO Adapter -> Adapter for Database -> JDBC Driver Path, the path of terajdbc4.jar has been specified.
In TIBCO Business Studio -> ADBConnections -> AdapterForDatabase.sharedadbc, click "Test Connection". There is information that the connection has been created successfully.
While starting TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database instance in TIBCO Business Studio, TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database fails to startup with the DB connection error.
2016 Mar 01 12:12:03:772 GMT +0530 AdapterForDatabase Info [Instance] AEADB-100001
Active Database Adapter starts to initialize...
2016 Mar 01 12:12:03:786 GMT +0530 AdapterForDatabase Error [Instance] AEADB-130005
ADB adapter connection test failed in startup.
Exception :
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.tibco.adapter.adb.database.DBConnectionManager.loadDriverClass(Unknown Source)
at com.tibco.adapter.adb.database.DBConnectionManagerFactory.getConnectionManager(Unknown Source)
at com.tibco.adapter.adb.core.ADBAdapter.getDBConnectionManager(Unknown Source)
at com.tibco.adapter.adb.core.ADBAdapter.testConnection(Unknown Source)
at com.tibco.adapter.adb.core.ADBAdapter.onInitialization(Unknown Source)
at com.tibco.sdk.MAppImpl.initialize(
at com.tibco.sdk.MDefaultAppImpl.start(
at com.tibco.sdk.MApp.start(
at com.tibco.adapter.adb.core.ADBAdapter.main(Unknown Source)”